Finance Manager
Our client is looking for a finance manager
The Outstation Finance Manager is responsible for the management Accounting, Administration, Budget reporting and Legal and Tax Matters . He/she puts everything in place in his/her field of activity in order to safeguard and enhance the company’s reputation and assets in the country. He/she takes ownership.Key Result Area's
1. Accounting
The Finance Manager must master the SAP accounting software. It is an every day task. At all times, the SAP content must reflect the truth. He/She must refer to the booklets of procedure for the proper application of the company’s internal rules. Accounts Payable:- Verification and posting of all local incoming invoices and local expenses reports with the tools: Finesse, Scantool, Fuel+;
- Generate payment to suppliers according to the applicable procedures, contractual due date and thescanning and workflow or finesse approval by the business owners;
- General administration: contact and negotiation with suppliers, handling of requests, statement of account;
- Appropriate TAX application and control.
- Financial control of direct sales performed at CTO and ATO;
- Control of cash received, deposits in the bank;
- Sales are electronically and automatically posted in SAP; but payments, corrections and matching of related accounts must be performed;
- BSP sales: general administration, follow-up of defaulting agents, BSP-Link administration, ADM/ACM administration
- Financial handling of refunds;
- Daily posting of the bank transactions;
- Daily matching of related accounts, periodic bank reconciliation;
- General accounting;
- Payroll posting;
- Monthly and Yearly closure: verification, posting of provisions, clearing of accounts according to company’s procedure;
- Control and clearing of the control accounts.
2. Administration
- Timely payment of salaries, taxes and general contributions;
- Effective stock management (assets, spares and consumables);
- General contract management;
- Procurement & Purchase order: according to the existing SN/LHG guidelines.
3. Budget monitoring
- Takes part in budget preparations;
- Accounting control of costs / revenues realized versus budget (GR55 tool in SAP);
- Propose and implement corrective measures in agreement with line management;
- Provide accurate financial reports to the local management and HQ.
4. Legal and Tax matters
- Periodic control, with the support of the local legal counsel, local tax and payroll consultants, legal & Tax BRU offices and Finance long Haul Dept, that company is at all times updated with local laws and regulations (Legal, labour, tax, etc.);
- Signing all documents, contracts meant for third parties (customers, suppliers, staff, general airport and non-airport related authorities) as per company rules;
- Follow-up of local legal cases
5. Treasury Management
- Plan and handle regular transfer of funds to/from BRU HQ, keeping local cash levels to a minimum, and communicating with Treasury Department BRU;
- Periodic forecasting : daily, monthly and yearly;
- Daily communication of bank balance to Corporate Finance HQ;
- Keep funds secure at all times and in all SN locations in a given country;
- Outgoing payments: according to due dates and planning.
6. Credit Management
- Analyze client credit request from sales department (Passenger, Cargo & Mail);
- Develop and put in place a local Credit Policy in agreement with Finance Outstations procedures;
- Periodic follow-up of client age list;
- Take all necessary steps to obtain payment on or before due date (reminders, etc.);
- Suspend/ cancel credit facilities, triggering legal actions if needed;
- Organize weekly meetings with sales department to review list and jointly agree on corrective measures.
7. Compliance
- Strict application of the 4 eyes principle;
- Strict observance of anti-bribery and anti-corruption rules;
- Strict observance of the European GDPR rules.
Required Competences
- Able to work in Matrix structure;
- Able to assimilate the challenging environment of Africa;
- Languages: French and English, both spoken and written;
- MS Office standard suit (outlook, word, excel, power point) and applications in use in the company such as SAP, Internet banking, Reservation system, Sirax, Cargospot;
- Drivers license;
- Target oriented and commercially driven;
- Integrity is a condition-sine-qua-non;
- Excellent communication skills;
- Analytical skills;
- Experience in the airline industry is a plus.